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AlpHouse at the AGIT 2012


AGIT 2012 - GIS Trade fair and symposium



Studio iSPACE will present results from the project AlpHouse at the annual GIS fair and symposium in Salzburg 4-6 July at the University of Salzburg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultaet.


Anyone interested in the project can visit the Research Studios Austria - Studio iSPACE fair booth (No. 61) near the entrance and get a little introduction to the project, its aims and results via personal talk (German and English).


For those interested in how iSPACE used energy certificates to demonstrate within the project how a geographical visualisation and indicator generation based on them can be useful to support the regional planning authorities a presentation will be held on Thursday 5th July 14:20-14:40 in lecture hall B (Gruener Hoersaal).

AlpHouse © 2010 - 2025 AlpBC et AlpHouse sont des projets de l’Union Européenne (EU), en coopération avec la Communauté de Travail des Pays Alpin (ArgeAlp), piloté par la Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat de Munich et de la Haute Bavière. (HWK)