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Efficiency and energy certification in traditional buildings. The Municipality's role


This AlpHouse Training Module is going to be organised in Chiuro (SO) at the ERSAF (ex IREALP) premises on May the 2nd 2011.


The training entitled "Efficiency and energy certification in traditional buildings. The Municipality's role"  will be addressed to Municipality Technicians (see Proposal n°24 in the module list State of QM Dec2010) with direct invitations to 3 Mountain Communities and 32 Municipalities. The course is organized with the strong cooperation of CESTEC – CENED, the regional Body for Energy Accreditation.


After a short introduction related to AlpHouse project's main goals, CESTEC Staff is planned to introduce several central topics, in particular: the regulation and laws related to energy issues and the Municipality's role in this field, a pilot case of results guaranteed contracts in Public Administration and the Energy Manager competences. Lastly, in order to promote and to underline the presence of good practices in the surrounding areas, an overview regarding project and activities carried out by some municipalities with the collaboration of IREALP/ ERSAF in the province of Sondrio will be given.


In particular the results of a research on the municipality territories of Albosaggia will be presented, carried out with the aim of studying the vocation of the territory to hold a specific RES plants and summarized providing a map of the potential solutions. Finally a short presentation about the activities developed by the municipality of Tirano within the RURENER Network will be showed with the aim to reduce consumption, save energy and produce more by means of RES in order to achieve the energy neutrality. And, with reference to the AlpHouse Project a description of the pilot villages and building analyzed by ERSAF will be presented, putting an emphasis on the different building functions and on the proposed retrofitting solutions.


This module is expected to be the first of a second step module for Municipality Technicians which, in collaboration of CESTEC,  will cover the whole province territory with the help of the Mountain Communities and the Province of Sondrio, and with a training more concentrated on the Municipality's role.


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AlpHouse © 2010 - 2025 AlpBC et AlpHouse sont des projets de l’Union Européenne (EU), en coopération avec la Communauté de Travail des Pays Alpin (ArgeAlp), piloté par la Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat de Munich et de la Haute Bavière. (HWK)

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