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GIS for Energy Consultancy and Regional Planning


On 22nd of June 2011 a small practice run-through of the module GIS for Energy Consultancy and Regional Planning  is carried out in the Salzburg Energy consultancy to teach about the planning relevant outcomes of the AlpHouse project and potential new tools for the daily work of energy planning.


A bigger rerun of the module with an extended audience will take place in November 2011 during the series of seminars at the Lehrbauhof concerning the topic "Energy consultancy and sustainability".

AlpHouse © 2010 - 2025 AlpBC et AlpHouse sont des projets de l’Union Européenne (EU), en coopération avec la Communauté de Travail des Pays Alpin (ArgeAlp), piloté par la Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat de Munich et de la Haute Bavière. (HWK)

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